Remembering a celebrated life

A loving reminder to take one day at a time

Remembering a celebrated life

A loving reminder to take one day at a time

Pictured: Don Ingram graciously shared his healthcare journey through our 2018 web series, Life Extended. As part of Don’s final wishes after his passing in January 2023, inspired by the care he received, memorial donations were directed to support cardiac care at the QEII.


raised from memorial gifts and tribute giving

Grateful patients and families generously direct memorial and tribute gifts to the QEII in recognition of care received. These special gifts reflect the unique experiences, interests, and memories of those being honoured or remembered, and can be directed to a care area of choice. Collectively, this meaningful and heartfelt giving creates lasting impact by improving care for those that follow.

“Ask yourself ‘what is special about today’ and enjoy the moment, enjoy the day. You never know when life is going to take a turn but there is so much to life, outside of what is restraining you.”

– Don Ingram, taken from video interviews during Life Extended filming

The two biggest diseases in Canada are cancer and heart disease and Don was dealing with both. He was living without a pulse as a battery-powered person, with an implant known as a LVAD (left ventricular assist device) that made his heart pump. He was also diagnosed with prostate cancer.

As the QEII is the most specialized health centre for our region, memorial giving is making a meaningful difference in the lives of many.

Don believed that by sharing his story and his strong faith, he would give hope to others looking for encouragement during medical challenges. His story and the gifts received in his memory will continue to live on throughout the QEII.