20 years of changing lives

One great cause that supports us all

20 years of changing lives

One great cause that supports us all

Pictured: The Sim Bay is one of many areas at the QEII that has been supported by the QEII Home Lottery since its inception in 2003.

$103.6 million (net)

raised through the QEII Home Lottery since 2003

Since 2003, the QEII Home Lottery has been advancing health care at the QEII. The generosity of Nova Scotians has touched nearly every patient cared for and nearly every care area at the QEII, including the Sim Bay. Pivotal in shaping tomorrow’s healthcare leaders, the simulation-based interprofessional education offered in the Sim Bay can include anything from critical medical emergencies and interventions to multi-disciplinary healthcare team training.

“If you’ve ever had a loved one who has been in hospital and whose care has been exemplary, know that behind the team providing that care and expertise is hours and hours of simulation practice and getting it right.”

– Donna Warren, Simulation IP Educator

Ask most Nova Scotians about the QEII Home Lottery and you will hear tales of visiting show home properties and dreaming about hosting family gatherings there. You will hear how they know someone who won or the fact that they buy tickets every year. And you will also hear stories of life-saving care received at the QEII.

Tickets purchased through the QEII Home Lottery have supported many areas of care at the QEII, including:

With 2.9 million tickets sold and 165,563 prizes awarded to date, the QEII Home Lottery has been changing lives for 20 years — for grand prize winners and for the one million patient visits to the QEII each year.