Giving the gift of securities
One family’s investment in exercise for cancer care
Pictured: Cancer survivor, Siggy Heinze-Milne (right), pictured with his wife, Gail, at their son’s wedding. Gail and Siggy recently made a gift of stock to help ensure more cancer patients and survivors can benefit from the QEII’s ACCESS program, which integrates exercise into the continuum of care.
in gifts of securities
Giving a gift of securities — including stocks and mutual funds — can transform an asset into immediate impact on care at the QEII. For many donors, these gifts are an easy way to support a care area close to your heart and avoid capital gains tax. It’s a win-win.
In the past 20 years, my husband, Siggy, has been treated for prostate and throat cancer. We saw firsthand how exercise helped him manage the side effects of treatment. We’re thrilled that our gift of stock for the ACCESS program will mean more people get to experience the benefits exercise can make in their cancer recoveries.”
– Gail Heinze-Milne
The Heinze-Milne family are firm believers in the power of exercise when facing a cancer diagnosis. Husband and father, Siggy, is a two-time cancer survivor who credits his daily jogs and bike rides for improving his recovery, while undergoing radiation and chemotherapy at the QEII.
That experience directly inspired the family’s recent gift of stock in support of Activating Cancer Communities through an Exercise Strategy for Survivors (ACCESS), a free exercise program to help patients better cope with their treatments and enhance their overall health and well-being.
When you transfer securities directly to the QEII Foundation, rather than sell them and donate the proceeds, you eliminate any capital gains tax otherwise owed and receive a valuable tax credit for the full value of the securities.
To learn more about gifts of securities and how your investment can change and save lives, visit