Dr. David Clarke, QEII neurosurgeon, professor, and head of neurosurgery at Nova Scotia Health and Dalhousie University.



Thanks to the generosity of the late Clarence and Marjorie Anderson, whose legacy lives on through their charitable gift, the QEII will soon welcome groundbreaking technology for patients living with uncontrolled epilepsy. The ROSA One Brain System, an advanced surgical robot and the first of its kind in Atlantic Canada, will empower surgeons to pinpoint the source of seizures deep within the brain, potentially offering patients a cure. 

The use of this neurosurgical robot will mean more people will have surgeries. It will be done in a safer way. It will increase our ability to positively alter the lives of many patients. This generosity will absolutely change lives. – Dr. David Clarke

Dr. Clarke pictured with QEII neurosurgery colleagues.

The new neurological robot will be a game-changer for QEII neurosurgical teams. The ROSA One Brain System will integrate with the QEII’s current StealthStation robotic equipment, eliminating the margin of human error for sensitive surgical measurements. Time-saving features will allow surgeons to perform more efficiently, reducing operating time for certain procedures by 30 to 40 per cent.

In addition to Clarence and Marjorie Anderson, we are proud to honour and remember the following individuals — our QEII Legends — for whom we received a gift in their will or estate in 2023-2024.

  • Jack Baig
  • Marian L. Burke
  • Doris Marilyn Covert
  • Frederic A. DeLory
  • Shirley E. Hill
  • Mary E. Kemp
  • Perry Kohler
  • Janet E. McCleave
  • Mary B. Moland
  • Roger B. Murley
  • C. Ernest Pass
  • Raymond L. Roberts
In addition to the names listed, several gifts were received from individuals who have chosen to remain anonymous. We thank them for their incredible support. The legal name for all gifts is: Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre Foundation. Our charitable number is: 88646 3496 RR0001.